These examples require OptiMathSAT version 1.5.1 or superior.
~$ ./optimathsat < FILENAME.smt2More examples, each one including a detailed description of OptiMathSAT functionalities, can be found within OptiMathSAT binary distribution.
~$ mkfifo opti-input ~$ mkfifo opti-output ~$ ./optimathsat < opti-input > opti-output 2>&1 ~$ cat > opti-input & # prevents optimathsat termination ~$ cat formula1 > opti-input optimathsat result from opti-output... ...dynamically choose what formula to optimize next... ~$ cat formula2 > opti-input ...and so on...
(set-option:produce-models true) (set-option:opt.priority box) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun x () (_ BitVec 8)) (assert (or (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) 120) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) 120)) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) 97) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) 97)) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) 54) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) 54)) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) 32) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) 32)) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) 22) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) 22)) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) 11) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) 11)) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) 8) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) 8)) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) (- 7)) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) (- 7))) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) (- 16)) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) (- 16))) ) (and (bvsle ((_ to_bv 8) (- 105)) x) (bvsle x ((_ to_bv 8) (- 105))) ) )) ; ; GOALS ; (minimize x) (minimize x :signed) ; ; OPTIMIZATION + OPTIMUM VALUES ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
(set-option :opt.priority box) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun x () Real) (declare-fun y () Real) (declare-fun z () Real) (declare-fun t () Real) ; ; GOALS ; (minimize x) (minimize y) (minimize z) (minimize t) (maximize (+ y 1)) ; ; OPTIMIZATION + OPTIMUM VALUES ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
(set-option :opt.priority box) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun x () Real) (declare-fun y () Real) (declare-fun z () Real) (assert (and (<= 42 x) (<= y x) )) ; ; GOALS ; (minimize x) (maximize y) (maximize z) ; ; OPTIMIZATION + OPTIMUM VALUES ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
(set-option :produce-models true) (set-option :opt.priority box) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun production_cost () Real) (declare-fun q0 () Real) ; machine 'i' production load (declare-fun q1 () Real) (declare-fun q2 () Real) (declare-fun q3 () Real) (declare-fun m0 () Bool) ; machine 'i' is used (declare-fun m1 () Bool) (declare-fun m2 () Bool) (declare-fun m3 () Bool) (assert (<= 1100 (+ q0 q1 q2 q3))) ; set goods quantity (assert (and ; set goods produced per machine (and (<= 0 q0) (<= q0 800)) (and (<= 0 q1) (<= q1 500)) (and (<= 0 q2) (<= q2 600)) (and (<= 0 q3) (<= q3 200)) )) (assert (and ; set machine `used` flag (=> (< 0 q0) m0) (=> (< 0 q1) m1) (=> (< 0 q2) m2) (=> (< 0 q3) m3) )) (assert-soft (not m0) :id used_machines) (assert-soft (not m1) :id used_machines) (assert-soft (not m2) :id used_machines) (assert-soft (not m3) :id used_machines) ; ; GOALS ; - 'total_cost' is a combination of 'production_cost' ; and 'used_machines' ; (minimize (+ (* q0 8) (* q1 9) (* q2 9) (* q3 5)) :id production_cost ) (minimize (+ production_cost (* (/ 785 10) (+ (* 2 used_machines) 8)) ) :id total_cost ) ; ; OPTIMIZATION + MODEL VALUES ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (load-objective-model 1) (get-value (total_cost)) (get-value (production_cost)) (exit)
; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun x () Real) (push 1) (assert (<= 5 x)) (minimize x) (check-sat) (get-objectives) (pop 1) (push 1) (maximize x) (check-sat) (get-objectives) (pop 1) (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
(set-option :produce-models true) (set-option :opt.priority lex) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun cost () Real) (declare-fun s1 () Bool) (declare-fun s2 () Bool) (declare-fun s3 () Bool) (declare-fun s4 () Bool) (declare-fun q1 () Real) (declare-fun q2 () Real) (declare-fun q3 () Real) (declare-fun q4 () Real) ; set goods quantity (assert (= 250 (+ q1 q2 q3 q4))) ; set goods offered by each supplier (assert (or (= q1 0) (and (<= 50 q1) (<= q1 250)))) (assert (or (= q2 0) (and (<= 100 q2) (<= q2 150)))) (assert (or (= q3 0) (and (<= 100 q3) (<= q3 100)))) (assert (or (= q4 0) (and (<= 50 q4) (<= q4 100)))) ; supplier is used if sends more than zero items (assert (and (=> s1 (not (= q1 0))) (=> s2 (not (= q2 0))) (=> s3 (not (= q3 0))) (=> s4 (not (= q4 0))))) ; supply from the largest number of suppliers (assert-soft s1 :id unused_suppliers) (assert-soft s2 :id unused_suppliers) (assert-soft s3 :id unused_suppliers) (assert-soft s4 :id unused_suppliers) ; ; GOAL ; (minimize (+ (* q1 23) (* q2 21) (* q3 20) (* q4 10))) (minimize unused_suppliers) ; ; OPTIMIZATION + OPTIMUM VALUES ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
; ; MaxSMT Engine: ; - omt: use OMT-based encoding & engine ; - maxres: use Maximum Resolution engine ; - ext: use external MaxSAT solver (only via API) ; (set-option :opt.maxsat_engine maxres) ; ; MaxSMT PROBLEM ; (declare-fun x () Int) (declare-fun y () Int) (assert (= x (- y))) (assert-soft (< x 0) :weight 1 :id goal) (assert-soft (< x y) :weight 1 :id goal) (assert-soft (< y 0) :weight 1 :id goal) ; ; GOAL ; (minimize goal) ; ; OPTIMIZATION + OPTIMUM VALUE ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
(set-option :opt.priority box) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun l0 () Int) (declare-fun l1 () Int) (declare-fun l2 () Int) (assert (< 10 l0)) (assert (< 12 l1)) (assert (< 14 l2)) ; ; GOAL ; (minmax l0 l1 l2 :id my_cost) ; ; OPTIMIZATION ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
(set-option :produce-models true) (set-option :opt.priority pareto) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun a () Real) (declare-fun b () Real) (assert (or (and (= a 1) (= b 1)) (and (= a 2) (= b 1)) (and (= a 1) (= b 2)) (and (= a 2) (= b 2)) (and (= a 3) (= b 1)) (and (= a 1) (= b 3)) )) ; ; GOALS ; (maximize a) (maximize b) ; ; INCREMENTAL OPTIMIZATION ; 3 pareto solutions ; + unsat step ; (check-sat) (get-objectives) (check-sat) (get-objectives) (check-sat) (get-objectives) (check-sat) (get-objectives) (exit)
; ; ENABLE MODEL GENERATION ; (set-option :produce-models true) ; ; PROBLEM ; (declare-fun x () Int) (declare-fun y () Int) (declare-fun z () Int) (assert (and (<= 3 x) (<= x 5) )) (assert (and (<= 10 z) (<= z 20) )) (assert (= y (+ (* 2 x) z))) ; ; GOALS ; (minimize x) (maximize y) ; ; BOXED OPTIMIZATION + 2 MODELS ; (set-option :opt.priority box) (check-sat) (get-objectives) ;(get-model) error in box mode when multiple objectives are present (load-objective-model 0) ; minimize x (get-model) (load-objective-model 1) ; maximize y (get-model) ; ; LEXICOGRAPHIC OPTIMIZATION + 2 MODELS ; (set-option :opt.priority lex) (check-sat) (get-objectives) (get-model) (load-objective-model 0) ; minimize x (get-model) (load-objective-model 1) ; maximize y (get-model) (exit)